The Lovely E-mail

Lidia Zuniga
February 08, 2012.

The Lovely E-mail

I have three reasons why I love to wrote e-mail, first because is accessible any time, I can send different kind files from text to videos. Some emails have the option to make a videoconference with other people, and the last reason is because you can be in communication with others.

                First if you want to have an email you need to decide what server prefer exist many of them live, Hotmail, Gmail, Cable provider, school, among others  some to mentioned ones. You can have more than one and the majority of them are free. You can access from cellphone, desktop, laptop, or other devices. The information that you received is instantly and any time.

                When you have an email you can send files formal letters or informal, you can send different types of documents each one of them can be different formats: word process, sheet calculus, videos, reading files, images, etc. Perhaps when you want to send a file you can see the limit of the file size. It is the best way to the communication.

                The last reason is the just one address email you can be in communication with others one way is the social network if you don’t about you old friends but you have the email you can contact them this is other story but it connecting with your email. Now days have an email is necessary and useful to communicate with you friends, coworker, family, school or just received offers or important information.

                In conclusion if you have an email and you know how to use you will have many advantages like to give it the important and closer people. Send and share information in different files, and over all don’t missing the communications with others.  


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