Bliss is a state of extreme happiness, joy and contentment.
Brooch is a piece of jewelry that is designed to be attached to your clothes. Brooches are usually made from metal, particularly the clip that attaches to the clothing, with decorations on the brooch that can be made from virtually anything.
Bead is a small, pretty object with a hole through the middle so that many beads can be threaded together to make a chain. Beads can be made of clay, glass, wood, shells, stone, and nuts or in fact anything that looks good and might be nice strung together Beads are usually strung into necklaces or bracelets.
Bruise When you fall and hurt or hit yourself hard on something else, you often get a dark purple or blue bruise. a bruise happens when the blood vessels under your skin get broken and you bleed under your skin. Bruises can take several days to go away.
Bundle is several things tied or gathered together, like a bundle of sticks or a bundle of cloth.
Cardigan is a type of sweater that has an opening down the front. Cardigans usually have a buttoned opening. They are usually knitted but sometimes are sewn together from fabric.
Cargo also called fright, is goods that are being transported. Cargo is usually being moved so it can be sold. When people talk about cargo they usually mean very large quantities of goods, like the shipping containers full of goods on the ship in the picture.
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