
  • Astonish: surprise, amaze.
  • Athletesportsman or woman.
  • Attic: are between the roof and ceiling of a house.
  • Bathrobe: clothing whom after taking a shower.
  • Coward: a person who is not brave.
  • Decathlon: ten track and field events.
  • Depending: trusting, relying on.
  • Flock: group of sheep.
  • Glance: to look quickly, a brief or hurried look.
  • Inquire: ask question.
  • Jogging: running slowly
  • Maid: paid housekeeper.
  • Motive: reason.
  • Narrow: thin. not wide.
  • Octopus: deep sea animal with eight legs.
  • Rancher: person who owns a large farm with animals.
  • Revolver: gun, pistol.
  • Risk: possibility of danger or loss.
  • Thrilling: exciting.
  • Trophy: prize given in a race or competition.
My Sentences! 

Help Me! If you see some mistake in the sentences, I'll appreciate if you write them correctly in a comment.
  1. They feel astonished about the news.
  2. Ana Guevara was a great athlete.
  3. The puppy hides its toy in the attic.
  4. He hangs out his bathrobe in a hook.
  5. Some people act like cowards.
  6. A decathlon is for superhumans.
  7. The company is depending of good customers.
  8. The government sees the people like a flock.
  9. If you give a glance other in the test, is because you aren't sure about yourself.
  10. They insisted and inquired about the breaking news.
  11. if you want win the race, start you jogging is the beginning.
  12. Maria is working, she is a maid in Great Hotel,
  13. Everyone has a motive to live.
  14. That way is narrow for my car.
  15.  I love the salad with octopus. 
  16. They want to know my friend, He is a rancher in Texas.
  17. The thief let revolver in the robbery.
  18. Be careful!, That bet risk your fortune.
  19. The concert was thrilling.
  20. The women won the trophy in soccer.


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