February What I Learned.

The month of love, really only one day is celebrated, but the whole month is full of love, or at least the first fourteen days the other fourteen days are considered days of mourning for those who are Catholics and for others it's almost spring, only expected to finish the month to enjoy the sun, actually this month is fourteen days more than twenty eight or twenty nine if you read this article in 2016. That is what really is celebrated in the month of February for me, it is my father's birthday, and the birthday of my husband's grandmother.

What happened in this month, well in this eighteen days, I’m participating in a group in facebook, in this group you can participad if you have a blog or web, if you have your blog in blogger or wordpress, the group consist in help ourselves, for example the administrator of the group publish a schedule in the cover Monday for fan page in facebook, Tuesday is for pinterest or comment my blog, the whole week you have activities and the administrator review each tag and each member of the group.

Each tag have a directions to accomplish, some are easy and others require more time, for example to “comment my blog”  the administrator give us just one week for each tag, the administrator is a girl, she is so responsible with the group and each tag, she is so punctual with each directions, I’m feel well in this group and when the group is organized your blog improve one hundred percentage  the schedule of activities is not a compromise to participate in each one, you can choose one but you need to be responsible, if you not accomplish the girl in charge suspend of the group.

The best thing to participate in this kind of groups is to learn about others participants and know more people with the same hobbies and you can see the variety of content you can found bloggers of fashion, cooking, babies, moms, sexuality, crafting, reading,  books reviews, projects in family, salon products reviews, outfits, hauls, traveling, poetry, movies reviews, recipes, how to study, anecdotes, experiences, quotes, photography, opinions, point of view, make up,  well the list keep growing.

I participated in all tags and differents groups to grow my blog, but I love just one, because it is well organized the problem is if you don’t have time to accomplish one of the tags you can be dropout, if you want to improve your blog or website it is necessary to have time and dedication specially when is  comment the bloggers time ago were just five blogs but now are 10 by each tag and twice a week of course  as a long as you want to participate in both of them.

If you are interested in this group you can found them on facebook I don’t know if there are in English but in Spanish there are many of them, but as I said before choose one or several of them but preferably those that are more organized and the participants to comply with the rules of the group.

Here the list of the groups in Spanish

In English


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